Stop Violence in Schools!

This blog is an online account of our work for the school campaign we have developed. It is a campaign against violence in our school.

We invite you to be part of it and tell us your story or your thoughts on the topic. Together we can change things for better.
Always remember that peace and respect must first lie within you! Take this pledge and change the world around you by showing how amazing you are!

I pledge to make school a safe place
I pledge to respect my peers and

To always stand up against violence.

I pledge to treat others with kindness
And all I do be done in love and peace!

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Ways to express anger that won't hurt people around you you

  We all get angry at times and cannot control ourselves, right? 

   I believe the worst thing we can do when we’re angry is to react impulsively. We’re not thinking clearly and we say things we will regret later. But how can we express our emotions other than showing anger?
Here are some tips to help you be cool and get others’ trust and respect:
 Avoid cursing or using profanity. This will definitely impress negatively upon others.
Take a deep breath and accept that you’re angry.  Pause to calm down and reflect ( maybe count down to ten).
Be open, say what made you angry and express your needs.
Compromise. Try to listen and understand to the other’s point of view.
Think first, then think again. Act after you thought it carefully.
Treat your peer as yourself.
Usually, before you get angry, your body gives you some warnings (you cannot concentrate, you breath faster, you have a headache or your heart is pounding). Watch yourself and become aware of these signs. This way you’ll learn how to control your anger before it breaks out.

How to Express Anger in a Positive and Healthy Way

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