Stop Violence in Schools!

This blog is an online account of our work for the school campaign we have developed. It is a campaign against violence in our school.

We invite you to be part of it and tell us your story or your thoughts on the topic. Together we can change things for better.
Always remember that peace and respect must first lie within you! Take this pledge and change the world around you by showing how amazing you are!

I pledge to make school a safe place
I pledge to respect my peers and

To always stand up against violence.

I pledge to treat others with kindness
And all I do be done in love and peace!

Saturday 24 March 2012

A wareness Week Overview

The first day was "Tolerance Day". One of us distributed some Tolerance surveys. The results were pleasantly surprising. For example, our classmates have found many 'soul mates' after completing the “Me and We” handout . It was a beautiful day in which our schoolmates were able to know each other better.
The poetry contest organized on “Don’t stereotype me“ Day had many contributors. Not only that we learned about how unique is each of us, but we discovered some talented poets.
The third day was “Stand Up Against Bullying". Throughout the day our school counselor, Mrs. Loana Ionita, led workshops on bullying to secondary school children. After a short presentation about forms of bullying and consequences they have on victims, she engaged them in an interactive activity that taught them how to react to bullying. During the breaks, many pupils showed their support to our initiative by signing "I am too against violence" poster. Volunteers draw self-portraits which were exhibited in a designated “No Bullies” zone.
The fourth day, "Carrying Makes a Difference“ was marked by an interesting exhibition of objects or drawings illustrating kindness and created by pupils. Our team members walked through classroom and in the hallways and “rewarded” pupils who were caught doing something nice with raffle tickets. At the end of the day, the raffle winners received books and school supplies.
We can work it out“ was the motto for our last day. In the morning, one volunteer from each class offered each pupil in the class were given a “badge” that had a promise written on it. Pupils could choose the promise they pledged to respect. all of students wore a wonderful badges with different solution. Our design team realized a poster entitled “Coloring a Peaceful School” and displayed it at the school entrance This week was interesting for all participants in this project and I hope that most pupils got to reflect on the seriousness of the problem and became aware of their role in keeping violence away .The survey next week will tell us more about the impact this week had on pupils.

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