Stop Violence in Schools!

This blog is an online account of our work for the school campaign we have developed. It is a campaign against violence in our school.

We invite you to be part of it and tell us your story or your thoughts on the topic. Together we can change things for better.
Always remember that peace and respect must first lie within you! Take this pledge and change the world around you by showing how amazing you are!

I pledge to make school a safe place
I pledge to respect my peers and

To always stand up against violence.

I pledge to treat others with kindness
And all I do be done in love and peace!

Saturday 17 March 2012

People who fought for peace

One of the famous people who fought violence in peace is Mahatma Gandhi, who was the father of India's independence and non-violent rebel movements initiator.
    In 1893 he went in South Africa, where he remains for 21 years. Here is faced with a terrible reality, thousands of Indian immigrants are victims of racial segregation, which leads him to engage in the struggle against British rule.
      South African government admits the adoption of reforms for Indian workers. In 1906, Gandhi fought for recognition of rights of its compatriots.
      He is arrested and, after a trial, is sentenced to several months in prison. Just released, continue to work, is again arrested, then released, part of the London Conference on Indian problem, demanding the independence of his country. British authorities arrested him with his wife and 50,000 other Indian militants.
   Gandhi's moderate attitude on the issue split the country has caused hatred of Hindu fanatic who assassinated him on January 30, 1948, during a religious ceremony.
       Besides he was faced with many bad situations, he continued to fight against violence, the result being very simple: if you fight for something that you care, you are going to realize it, for sure.

Photo Source:

"Mahatma Gandhi". Photo. 10 April. 2012. 10 April 2012  <>

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