Stop Violence in Schools!

This blog is an online account of our work for the school campaign we have developed. It is a campaign against violence in our school.

We invite you to be part of it and tell us your story or your thoughts on the topic. Together we can change things for better.
Always remember that peace and respect must first lie within you! Take this pledge and change the world around you by showing how amazing you are!

I pledge to make school a safe place
I pledge to respect my peers and

To always stand up against violence.

I pledge to treat others with kindness
And all I do be done in love and peace!

Sunday 4 March 2012

Violence Around us: Families

It's called "domestic violence" any act injurious, physically or emotionally that occurs between family members. Family violence can take many forms: verbal abuse, denial of access to financial resources, isolation from friends and family, threats, theft attacks. Although until recently it was assumed that women are often victims of violence in the family, after some research discovered that in fact the number of men assaulted is quite high.
On the other hand, violent men have personality characteristics that lack skills and joy of communication. Violence in family most often happens due to alcohol.

Children who grow up in violent homes have different problems:

• physical problems: unexplained illnesses, slower physical development
• emotional and mental problems: fear of abandonment, isolation, anger, fear of injury and death
• psychological problems: self-doubt, depression
• problems of behavior: aggression, trouble sleeping, fighting, running away from home
• problems at school - distrust, lack of concentration

One thing less considered until now is that young people want to commit suicide because there is no communication in their family.
Sources: -Stanciu, Mihaela. "Baby who's crying". Photo. February 2010. 11 April 2012  <,r:7,s:98,i:20>
-" The project to combat domestic violence adopted by Parliament". Document. 28 February 2012. 11 April 2012  <>

-"The project to combat domestic violence adopted by Parliament". Photo. 28 February 2012. 11 April 2012  <>

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